Paoli-Calmettes Institute
Determine the efficiency of a myéloablative conditioning associating Fludarabine, Thymoglobuline, and intravenous Busulfan with adapted dose, according to a pharmacokinetics realized in the first day of administration (or J-6 of the conditioning) of the busulfan, in preparation for a allogenic transplant family or not family compatible HLA.
Hematological Diseases
Allogeneic transplant conditioning
Estimated Enrollment : | 33 participants |
Masking : | NONE |
Primary Purpose : | TREATMENT |
Official Title : | Phase II Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Allogeneic Transplant Conditioning With Adaptive Dose Busulfan Intravenous (Busilvex®) in Patients at High Risk of Carrying Blood Diseases |
Actual Study Start Date : | 2014-09 |
Estimated Primary Completion Date : | 2018-03 |
Estimated Study Completion Date : | 2020-03 |
Information not available for Arms and Intervention/treatment
Ages Eligible for Study: | 55 Years |
Sexes Eligible for Study: | ALL |
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: |
Want to participate in this study, select a site at your convenience, send yourself email to get contact details and prescreening steps.
Not yet recruiting
Paoli Calmettes Institute
Marseille, France, 13009